Saturday, 20 November 2010


Chugger Chugger Chugger Chugger Chugger Chugger.............

As the sounds of the roflcopter recedes into the distance, AUDIO-FREq find themselves left in a crumpled heap, weak from continual laughter.

We are, of course, referring to last nights full length sketch show from the Comedy Society, which was held in the Underground of the Guild Of Students. Written, directed and acted out by an all student cast and committee, the Sketch show entitled 'We Are Comedy Society' was an attempt to raise the profile of this talented group of young people, and the society as a whole. And, judging by the great turnouts on both Thursday and Friday, AUDIO-FREq can only assume that the boys and girls of Comedy Society have succeeded!

The show itself was a series of sketches, many of which seemed to focus on poking fun at the world of media and television. Cleverly, the Comedy Society riffed off material that students would find acessable, with sketches lampooning the X-Factor, Tv Panel Shows, Facebook and other recognisable pop culture references. To keep the audience hooked, they used a number of returning characters to link sections of the show, with a few noteworthy personalities popping up over and over, including our personal favourite 'Svetlana', the Russian mail order bride (who was, in fact, an alchoholic goat herding man).

The individual sketches were linked together very well with a well thought out use of lighting and voice-over skits, which kept the audience entertained during the many scene changes. The only slight downside to the night was that the voices of the actors got a little lost in the caverns of the Underground, and a few more stage mics would have helped.

Overall, the audience left with a very clear idea of who and what Comedy Society are all about: They are very funny men and women, who seem hell bent on making us chuckle (which AUDIO-FREq approves of 100%!!!).

For more information on Comedy Society hit this link to see their facebook group where you will be able to get updates on upcoming stand up shows etc. and for those of you who didn't get a chance to catch them in action, Comedy Society will be chucking out a video of the recordings soon, which if we can get hold of, we'll shove up here for your pleasure.

Well done Comedy Society.

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